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War Room Ministries exists to: Put into action the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by promoting unity in the body of Christ (John 17:11-23) through non-denominational events and making of disciples by teaching, encouraging and living life together.

It is the vision of War Room Ministries to: Challenge men and women to step out of the boat in faith and onto the water to become who God has created them to be.


The core values of War Room Ministries are: Striving to have a Christ like image, living a life of Integrity, Excellence, and Love, promoting Unity,  building Trust among people, having a Bible-based Faith and being Great Commission focused.

War Room Ministry Events


A Christian Ministry devoted to the making of disciples and promoting unity in the body of Christ

What War Room Ministries offers:

War Room Ministries Face Book fan page that is open to everyone, men and women, to help promote War Room events, as well as other ministries and events around the world.

War Room Men United. A private Face Book group where men can pray for, encourage and disciple each other.  And a place for preparing men for the spiritual battles they will face in this world.

War Room Women United.  A private Face Book group where women can pray, encourage, and disciple each other, as well as prepare for the spiritual battles ahead.

A War Room Ministries Store that provides you the opportunity to purchase Christian t-shirts, hats, cups and other items to help support War Room Ministries.